The crackdown on free speech continues in the United Kingdom as officials use recent rioting to justify a roundup of citizens who they view as “pushing harmful and hateful beliefs.” The government is ramping up arrests of those with “extremist ideologies” in the latest wave of arrests. 

I discuss how difficult it is to get a free people to give up freedoms. They have to be afraid, very afraid. That pattern is playing out, yet again, in the United Kingdom.

A man was convicted for sending a tweet while drunk referring to dead soldiers.

Another was arrested for an anti-police t-shirt.

Another was arrested for calling the Irish boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend a “leprechaun.”

Yet another was arrested for singing “Kung Fu Fighting.”

A teenager was arrested for protesting outside of a Scientology center with a sign calling the religion a “cult.”

Last year, (a man) was convicted of a thought crime in Maidenhead, Berkshire and was given a four-year sentence for what the court called his “toxic ideology” based on the contents of the home he shared with his mother.

For those Americans who have remained silent during as this anti-free speech movement grows, you need only to look to the United Kingdom to see what this movement means for our “indispensable right.”