Mike Benz, a leading expert on government control tactics, compared the striking parallels between U.S. foreign ‘democracy promotion’ and domestic efforts to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency, exposing Deep State manipulation.

Put simply, powerful government agencies that previously worked to manipulate – and sometimes topple – foreign governments in order to install friendlier “democratic” governments, expanded their mission to focus on what they perceived to be a grave domestic threat to their power and control: Donald Trump and the America First/MAGA conservatives who supported his policies.

In the name of “saving democracy,” our formerly outward-focused “government topplers” turned their attention inward to manipulating domestic affairs. They have inverted democracy and trampled over it in order to achieve what the U.S. government is explicitly banned from doing.

“This is what psyops work is,” Benz said. “Planting fake news stories … creating and disseminating and securing commitments from the media to spread CIA, Pentagon, and State Department disinformation.” The rest is maintaining “rent-a-riot” capacity and triggering it when necessary.

“That’s how you get the transition of power.”
