Firstly, I do not have the qualities to be a politician. I know this. Period. I won’t go there.

Trump: He’s human and has the same faults that many of us has. Even his supporters can name a few traits they wish he would change. Is he perfect for the job? I don’t know but he may be the man for the job we are facing due to his personality.

Harris: Prior to Biden being pushed out, the MSM was painting a dire picture of her. Amazing how overnight she has become the “most qualified person for the job of President”. Is this the same mantra as “Safe and Effective”?
Personally, she served her purpose as VP for a less than cogent President.
Probably impeachment insurance, DEI, whatever??

How should one vote? A sane and rational person would look at policy. I am biased of course as a free mkt capitalist. Definitely not a socialist or Communist.

Trump did as much as he could with what he had to work with. His four years of a stable economy were cut short by the Scamdemic and then all bets were off. It wasn’t perfect but a change from the previous administration.
Those late night Tweets about the object of his ridicule did not do him any good.

The Biden/Harris regime resided over a dismantling of the rights of the American citizen at the expense of the illegal migrant. This is an outright invasion of a sovereign nation. It’s Treason! More of the same is promised to much applause and laughter (Harris). Censorship worthy of Stalin or nazi Germany was the norm if you said any truth the regime needed suppressed.
The Democratic Party has been captured the past few decades by the Deep State unelected forever technocrats who now run the show in the shadows or even out in the open.

Are we seeing the same brainwashed crowd who loved their shots embrace all the same mass delusions?

A recent quote explains it.
“The fundamental problem is that any kind of rational discussion is rendered completely impossible.

If someone believes that the vaccines work so perfectly to immunise the jabbed – but they are still in danger of infection from the unjabbed – then how is it possible to have any conversation about anything? It is a complete state of cognitive breakdown. I think this is fundamentally what leads to permanent estrangement – how is it possible to even talk at this point?”