Toronto is set to host an event celebrating illegal immigrants living in the city. “Join this free event as the City proclaims its commitment to inclusivity and support of undocumented Torontonians,” reads a press release.

The event, Undocumented Torontonians Day, is billed as an opportunity to “learn about the realities, challenges and contributions undocumented Torontonians make to our city.”

Toronto became Canada’s first “sanctuary city” in 2013 when it granted access to city services to all residents, regardless of immigration status. As City News reported in February 2013:


So how does this make LEGAL immigrants to Canada feel? After spending time, effort and money to become part of Canada they are ignored as irrelevant so that governments instead celebrate ILLEGAL migration (often orchestrated by criminal cartels & triads as per Gov’t of Canada’s own reports)……….