The UN was never about peace and ending poverty. It has ALWAYS been about global communism

The United Nations is a SERIOUS threat to our future, and not only should the United States withdraw from the UN, it should be thrown out of New York City.

From the very beginning, the United Nations has indulged in self-aggrandizement to elevate itself to the de facto world government. They have been a proponent of tyranny, even using climate change and health that they alone should be in charge. This treaty they just proposed is called the Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes, pretending this is about cybercrime. Still, it is not – it is about censorship. The UN claims this is the only way to create peace by putting them in charge of the world – unelected, of course. They encouraged this war between the West and Russia because they believed that they could emerge as the Great Peacemaker, which would finally justify their assumption of dominion over the entire world.

It is only a matter of time before this United National initiative transforms the world into a prison of economic slaves denying any right to express an opinion.