Silver has been in a three month correction since it’s May highs. It is ready to begin a challenge of those highs and enter a new phase. What we don’t yet know, is it going to be more of the usual pop and cap, that has been the Comex bankers modus operandi for decades, OR are we about to break out and run towards the ATH’s around $50?

Probably a bit of both. An initial move towards the highs at $32.60 will likely contain any rally, at least initially. I don’t agree with those only looking for a limited rally that peters out again. I believe, the 3 plus month consolidation, was the base building needed to support a big breakout run, towards $50.

It is unlikely to be straight up in one large move, but I think it will be faster and harder to trade than most expect. Get in here around $29 or just under, and sit back and enjoy the ride.