Did you catch that passing mention of “went out of business during the pandemic?” Yes, and, if you have been paying attention these past four years, you know precisely what that means. It’s not about a severe flu. It’s about the response to the flu, namely the brutal lockdowns that destroyed small businesses even as big businesses all over the world were allowed to function normally, provided the customers were masked up and vaccinated.

These small businesses were wrecked by the government. This happened not only in Bologna but worldwide. We have no firm numbers to put on this because they do not exist. But I’m sure you have your own stories of your town.

The local shops were destroyed. Stimulus could not save them. They finally gave up, crushing dreams all around. It’s not just in the United States, not just in your hometown, but all over the world.

They were replaced by heavily capitalized multinationals that were in a position to weather the storm. This all happened in the course of a mere two years. We all felt it and saw it.

The policy response to the pandemic might as well have been concocted by big business and big banks to crush their competition forever, for that is exactly what happened.
