The Vermont Supreme Court reached the astonishing conclusion that the government can vaccinate very young children with experimental products without parental consent or legal recourse. If not overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, the consequences may prove profound for American civil rights law.

The lawsuitconcerned a young child who was administered a COVID-19 vaccination despite his parents’ prior communication to their local public school that he was not to be vaccinated. The boy told workers his parents objected, but they distracted him with a stuffed animal and administered the jab. The Vermont Supreme Court ruled that the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act immunized school officials from “all state-law claims … as a matter of law.”

The court did not address state or federal constitutional privacy protections or bodily autonomy, merely swallowing these paramount individual rights in a perverse, all-entrusting servitude to federal preemption by an omnipotent administrative state.