It’s literally already been pushed over, but it has a day and one week to pull itself back up (i.e., get back above the weekly Ichimoku cloud).  (Apologies for the terrible screenshot.)

The thing is, this is flat bottom cloud that the USD is dealing with immediately in front of it (which IMO are not typically penetrated from below), and thus if it fails to close back above the 103.14 level next week, the path of least resistance is down (sideways at best) through the rest of the year, at least.

(Also, FYI, UUP is terrible at tracking USD (it has crushed USD index since rates bottomed in 2016).  Apparently, UUP earns interest on derivatives it holds, and with rising rates its value therefore has outpaced the USD index substantially.  Pull up a long term UUP:$usd ratio chart if you don’t believe me.)

I am going to go out on a limb and say that something major in markets is about to pop off literally imminently.

Remember folks, this is about the balance of probabilities, not some guarantee.  Do your own due diligence.