Unelected globalists want to rewrite the UN Charter so that it ‘could articulate the rules of a World Parliament‘ for ‘world citizens‘ with binding legislative & enforcement power

this globalist depopulation agenda (in order to control not save people) is the reason why we must understand that DC will never stop this. DC is pushing this. This is why my fight and the fight of my organization TN Citizens for State Sovereignty are fighting to get legislation passed to protect our state from federal overreach/tyranny. DC is no longer where our rights, liberties and freedoms will be protected. If you want more information about what we are doing in Tennessee feel free to contact me. But these guys are as serious as a heart attack. Please take the time to read and understand their plans. They have NEVER hidden their agenda they just bank on the fact that most people have no clue – None of these unelected people/organizations have any constitutional authority in America but our federal government walks in lock-step with them and we need to stand up at the state level and push back. We do not need a rewriting of the UN Charter or a overhaul of the UN we need to shut it down completely – MAGA can never happen as long as we continue to be a part of the UN. It needs to be destroyed



First the WHO tried to seize global power to supersede sovereignty and now the UN wants all countries to give it the same powers. Yet another unelected globalist body that has spent decades positioning itself for the benefit of few at the expense of many. Just another globalist con job!