The program is aimed at reducing drug deaths among people who don’t use supervised drug consumption sites due to stigma, isolation or other reasons.

“There are many reasons people don’t access in-person harm reduction and drug checking services, including lack of transportation and stigma. We’re still encouraging people to have someone witness their consumption wherever possible to reduce the risk of toxic drug deaths.”


So convenient – never having to leave your residence as BC gov’t provides free syringes and condoms so you can literally f**k around all day! Politicians no doubt eager to take credit for “cleaning up the streets” and making the drug problem disappear. They seem to agree “No use addressing the problem — tried that didn’t work”, we may as well just hide it.  Will they also deliver to the tent cities growing daily by former middle class? In fact, why not merge this with the “safe (free) drug programs” and just deliver free narcotics and injectables concurrently? This program combined with the MAID program could REALLY help Canada achieve it’s WEF euthanasia targets!!