Greetings from Moscow!

Yes, I’m back in Russia! I arrived in Moscow last week after a spur-of-the-moment decision to come here, with no plan for what to do after arriving. So, the usual thing. What’s unusual about this trip is there is a date by which I will leave, because of set plans in October.

Although I’ve taken many photos since arriving, I’ve been too busy being a tourist to spend any time processing any of the photos. Photos will come soon enough. For now, at least there is a story explaining how I ended up back in Russia. It can be found at this link:

Since arriving in Russia, some travel has been planned for the first few days after Moscow. This afternoon I will fly from Moscow to St. Petersburg. After spending a few days there, I’ll fly to Arkhangelsk. So far, there is nothing planned for the two months after Arkhangelsk, but I’m sure something will happen 😉

Wishing you all the best with your own adventures in living!
