Representatives from BlackRock recently visited Kiev and requested that soldiers no longer be buried in the ground.

They have already bought 47 percent of Ukraine’s land.

BlackRock has asked that this land not be used for burials and that the bodies be cremated or disposed of in other ways.


This (supposedly) originates from basic laws of Jewish funerals


So this creates the impression that soldiers who fight and die for Ukraine must NOT be buried within their home soil (that they are dying to protect) because the land has already been pillaged by US multi-national corporations (that considers their dead bodies to be filth that requires cleansing)!?!? Isn’t this somehow similar to recent LG comments that the “US is getting good value for the $130B spent on Ukraine” because US citizens are not being killed during this war but instead worthless, disposable Ukrainians males are priced at a “bargain” cost per body?!?!? If this is correct, it certainly seems like a callous attitude towards humanity………