From JC

Look out below! Yesterday, CNBC ran a financial story headlined, “Moderna stock falls 20% as it slashes guidance on low EU sales, tough U.S. vaccine market.” Haha, a tough vaccine market. Good one. Anyway, the single-product vaccine company’s share price plunged -20% in one day yesterday following a disappointing earnings report.

In September, 2021, Moderna (ticker MRNA) traded at its peak of $464 dollars a share. Yesterday it closed at $92. I sense a trend. Moderna CEO Stephan Bancel, who is French, blamed the company’s sudden and unexpectedly poor performance on miserly Europeans and —I am not making this up— Ukraine:

Sacrebleu! How could this happen? On top of its covid jab, the FDA recently rubber-stamped its approval for Moderna’s brand-new, mRNA-based respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, which corporate media is doing its level best to hawk, despite nobody ever even considering getting an annual RSV shot before. Headline from this morning in the Miami Herald:

You really don’t hate the media nearly enough. According to the Herald, the CDC recommends the hastily-approved, untested mRNA-RSV shot for pregnant women:

No thanks. I say good luck to them. You couldn’t get me near an RSV shot even if you offered me a free ticket to Fauci’s sentencing hearing. Tempting, but hard pass.

I’m just a lawyer, not a doctor, so I’m not giving anybody medical advice. But I plan to sit this one out. I never even heard of RSV until the covid bucks began drying up. I bet they just made it up. So I’ll take my own chances.