We know some of what happened, but much is being covered up by the government. Was Biden set up to fail at the debate as a prelude to Kamala? Was the Secret Service passively involved in the assassination by letting it happen? Did the shooter truly act alone, or did he receive assistance? Was Joe Biden threatened with a coup d’etat in the form of leaks about his health and removal from office under the 25th amendment if he didn’t step aside?

At this point, we do not have answers to these and many other questions. Still, the questions themselves are important. They’re one way to keep the record open. We should not rest until we have answers.

Anyway, here’s what you do need to know as investors: A Harris victory means more of the same. It’s been argued, correctly, that Biden’s presidency has really been Obama’s third term. Key Obama personnel have been behind the scenes, calling the shots the entire time.

Furthermore, it means expanded weaponization of the Department of Justice, FBI and Department of Homeland Security. You’ll have continued open borders resulting in lower wages for all Americans and widespread diseases like whooping cough and tuberculosis from the unvaccinated aliens. More government censorship will be the norm. This list goes on, but no guesswork is required. This will be Bidenomics and neofascism on steroids.
