The Liberal-approved, taxpayer-funded guidebook taught children to associate the Conservative Party with bigotry and to view the nation’s former de facto flag, the Red Ensign, as a hate symbol.

According to information obtained July 25 by Blacklock’s Reporter, in 2022 the Liberal’s then-Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen’s office sanctioned a taxpayer-funded guidebook which taught children to associate mainstream conservatism, including the Conservative Party, with bigotry, and to view the Canadian Red Ensign, the nation’s de facto flag until 1965, as a hate symbol.

“This new resource will be delivered through workshops in schools across the country and it will help raise awareness with students,” Hussen told reporters at the time, adding that the $268,400 taxpayer-funded book would “teach core values to our kids.”

The book, written by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, claimed that conservatives often tolerated bigots and young white nationalists, warning, “They sometimes attempt to infiltrate mainstream Conservative political parties.”