Just watched a clip of Stephanie Pomboy who had a great solution to temporarily address the cost of financing the debt, in the very short term. She explained that purchases of treasuries has dropped dramatically to the point where the FED is going to have to be the buyer of last resort, which is inflationary because they have to print to be able to do so.

She suggests that as a short term way to address that shortfall of buyers for US treasuries, is to make the interst paid on them, tax free. She knows this doesn’t address the need to curb spending and work towards deficit reduction but going into an election and possible recession it would help get into next year where those longer term issues need to be addressed.

Her calculations suggest that by making the interest tax free, the treasury would lose $100 billion in revenue, but that would generate saved interest expense of $300+ billion for every 1% drop in interest rates caused by the demand created by new buyers of the debt. Simple, easy to do, and would help get us to next year. Are you listening Donald Trump and Speaker Johnson?