Jeff Childers has the scoop on the Coupe de Gras in the White House via Seymour Hirsch

Paywalled today…so here it is for Goldtenters

Seymour Hersh is an American investigative journalist and author known for his fearless reporting and breaking major stories about government and military malfeasance. He was first recognized for exposing the My Lai Massacre during the Vietnam War, which earned him a Pulitzer Prize in 1970. Yesterday, he published a short piece about the Cabbage Coup titled, Leaving Las Vegas.

I quoted Hersh extensively last year from his multiple stories about the U.S.’s involvement in the Nordstream Pipeline bombings. Yesterday, he described how a Democrat team headed by Obama, including stock trader Nancy Pelosi, Chuck “Six Ways” Schumer, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, pressured Biden into quitting last week.

The straw that broke the donkey’s back was Biden’s hasty scramble to evacuate Las Vegas, just the latest in a bizarre series of Biden events, which raised lots of internal Democrat party red flags over Biden potentially having another undisclosed medical event, suggesting how the rest of the campaign might play out and giving the party’s oligarchs a splitting headache.

But the real problem was the polls. Biden’s support, despite the best efforts of pollsters to prop up his numbers, was cratering anyway. It was starting to look like Biden would lose in a landslide. He had to go. Winning is everything.

According to Hersch’s sources, after breakfast last Sunday morning, Obama called Biden and broke the bad news. Obama told Joe that Kamala Harris had agreed to invoke the 25th Amendment unless he stepped down from his presidential candidacy. “It’s a story,” Hersh informed readers, “not unlike Seven Days in May, the Cold War thriller in which a colonel played by Kirk Douglas foils a coup staged by a general played by Burt Lancaster.”

A coup! On Wednesday, according to the plan, Obama endorsed Kamala Harris in a televised, scripted phone call that was strategically released two days later Friday. “We called to say, Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” Barack Obama said in the not-so-private, made-for-TV call.

There you go, Democrats! This is how ‘democracy’ works now. They’ll just tell you who to vote for. Over on ‘liberal Twitter’ BlueSky, partisan Democrats were ecstatic:

Don’t make me laugh. Meme all you want, but according to Hersh, Team Obama’s support for Harris is purely provisional. Vice President Cackle, one of the most disliked political figures in history, must improve her polling before the convention, or else. She’ll get Bidened. Folks skeptical she can pull it off began to smell another switcheroo. For example:

I, for one, don’t plan to try predicting anything. It’s 2024, after all. I do note however that showing temporary support for Kamala “Plan B” Harris would sure be helpful for extinguishing any criticism of overlooking the Democrats’ first triply-diverse, Indian-Black-Woman candidate. We tried going with Kamala, but it just wasn’t working. Stand by for another whipsaw.