Foreshadowing The End of Elections in America?
What do you make of this? Sometimes you hear something and cannot believe its what you actually just heard. This is a case of that in my mind. Are my ears playing tricks on me or did Donald just say there would be no more elections after 4 more years? You listen to it and see if you agree. And did you know he is not a Christian? I didn’t. Surprise, surprise. So what is he?
Here is a link to an audio/video clip. First 40 seconds is enough.
Taken out of context I am sure
This will make the Democrats froth at the mouth to their base even more though
Fair enough. Its getting so hard to separate truth from context anymore though. I sense they are just saying out loud what the real plan is going to be and if we vote for him we get the program.
What is he ?
Hey Google :Is Trump a Christian?
Trumps mother Mary Ann McCleod Trump raised her children in the Presbyterian faith of her upbringing; on January 20, 2017, incoming U.S. President Donald Trump took his inaugural oath of office using a copy of the Revised Standard Version Bible given to him by his mother in 1955 when he graduated from a Presbyterian Sunday school.
Don’t they give up religeon when they become Freemasons?
Good Question…I think they consider themselves Christians though..but I hear you
Trump is NOT a weasel word attorney.
Watch what he does, NOT what he says.
If you want to understand the difference between Trumpites (behind him) and Never Trumpers (opposed), a lot of it comes down to TUNING OUT HIS RAMBLING.
I tune him completely out.
Then I’ll go vote for him again.
My ears hear him say “I’m aaa Christian”, not I’m NOT Christian….but I am hearing and seeing lots of doubters out there after all the negative press he has gotten since his bloody ear incident. I’m still on the fence on that one….but not on this one if you take the time to open and see what this screenshot that I posted yesterday says. IMO THIS SCREENSHOT below pictures SATAN! www
I’ve watched nearly all of his events without media filtering since 2016 – I believe he considers himself a Christian – unless he’s deceiving us but I haven’t seen that as being the case. My opinion.