Back to the cornered wounded animal theme.

All the batshit crazy stuff the sane are being subjected to may lead one to the conclusion that “they”, whoever the One Worlders are, are not only doubling down but tripling and quadrupling down as the world wakes up.

If they were winning, they would not have to go to these extremes to create all the division and hatred of our fellow man. They could just pass laws that would generally be accepted. No can do as their vision is not compatible with life for most of us.

If they are successful, the first thing they will do is throw all the useful idiots under the bus (Communist playbook). They would still use the oppressor vs the oppressed until total control is concentrated at the top.
All Woke behaviour will be eliminated as well as the followers. Net-Zero/Climate Hysteria will only be a policy until their goals of control are in place.

The cracks in the dam are too large to fix. They may even burn the place down to rule over the ashes. Who knows. The rest of 2024 will bring reams of entertainment to those who can weather the storm until it passes through.
The illusion that is Democracy is being exposed. Whatever evolves after the storm will not look like the past for sure.

I believe that the the US is the last hope for the world. Yes, they will likely never be the dominant world power as we see the rise of China and India. Will they learn from the errors of past empire? Likely not.