From John Manley

Stefan Molynuex’s The Present makes the challenging proposition that we do not live in an oppressive capitalistic patriarchy but a “predatory political matriarchy.” The novel centres around Rachel, a self-absorbed young woman, living with her self-absorbed boyfriend, while making little money in her “liberating” career as a woke journalist.

Her views of “inequality” are challenged when she meets Oliver, the leader of a men’s rights group, who argues:

“Everyone talks about the ‘wage gap’ – no one ever talks about the ‘tax gap’! Men pay far more in taxes than women do, and women take far more government benefits than men do. The State is a giant machine that transfers wealth from men to women. Are we ever thanked for that? No, because we are in a master-slave relationship with women. All this talk about ‘the patriarchy’ is just a cover for what’s really going on – what is statistically verifiable. We live in a predatory political matriarchy. And all this – I can see – comes as a complete shock to you! And you would totally pass a lie detector test if you were asked to condemn the ‘patriarchy.’ Essential information has been consistently withheld from you, and false narratives have been implanted.”

I recently read The Present to my son. It blends challenging philosophical ideas with a harrowing story of economic collapse. You can find out more or download a copy from Stefan Molynuex’s website at:

John C.A. Manley