We all need a good news story from time to time:

Many of you will remember the story the Canadian Christian family who fled the Wokeness of the Trudeau regime and relocated to Russia. They landed in Nizhny, Novgorod region, Russia, with 8 children in January 2024. They brought with them the clothes on their backs and a few suitcases. At the time they had no command of the Russian language and no way to transfer money from the sale of their Canadian farm (sanctions!)

With the help of the local population, and with the support and encouragement of the local authorities they settled in a city apartment, bought a van large enough for the whole family, and set about searching the countryside for a suitable parcel of land to farm and call home.

It was June before they closed on the sale of 85 hectares of land, some of it rolling and wooded. Having tilled a small piece for the family garden (it costs a lot to feed such a large family, so a garden is a necessity) they set about building a house. It will be a 1 1/2 story structure set atop of a full basement.

It is amazing to watch how the whole family, with the exception of the baby and the toddler, work together on the construction of the new home – but even the toddler can be seen gathering scraps of wood and piling it by the makeshift firepit used for cooking. You might want to browse through some of the comments to their video shown below.

Here is the latest episode of Countryside Acres: (16:00)