Medical internship program under fire for rejecting anyone who doesn’t ‘identify’ as black – Knowing this is how people are chosen to become doctors what is the chance you would go to a black doctor? These “woke” idiots are hurting the very people they say they are trying to help OR perhaps that is exactly the truth behind the “woke” agenda.

A medical internship program is under fire for allegedly racially discriminating against otherwise qualified applicants, requiring that applicants must “identify” as black or African American.

Do No Harm filed a complaint on behalf of a member on Thursday requesting the federal government investigate an internship offered by the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM). The anonymous member was qualified academically and met all other requirements but was rejected because of his race.

“Once you sacrifice the opportunity to take a more qualified person for a less qualified person simply because of the way they look, you’ve sacrificed the opportunity to really do the best research,” Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Do No Harm board chair, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.