As long as we are indulging in a little conspiracy theorizing, let’s look closer at the Democrat party’s rapidly collapsing prospects, since that party is also up to its dirty little neck in CrowdStrike and Ukraine. Yesterday, CNN reported that Biden isn’t going anywhere, at least according to him, in a story headlined “Biden faces fresh wave of Democratic defections as campaign tries to press forward.”

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If anything, the clamor for Joe to quit reached an even more deafening crescendo yesterday. I won’t bore you with all the headlines, except —to give you a tiny taste— for this morning’s Maureen Dowd editorial prominently featured in The New York Times:

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“Everyone wants Joe Biden gone,” Dowd began, and she only got more bitterly critical from there. There are now 30 House Democrats and three Democrat Senators publicly calling for Joe to recede quietly and safely into the great unknown. But Biden won’t give up the car keys! CNN said:

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In modern times, since it purged its last “Blue Dog” Democrats from the party decades ago, the Donkey Party has been best known for its slavish homogeneity. Besides a brief Bernie flareup a few years back, intra-party conflict is nearly unknown to Democrats.

But now, suddenly, intra-party conflict is stratospheric.

The Democrats’ worst-case scenario —which they have been calling a “doom loop”— is a highly-public and legally questionable battle to remove President Cabbage from office under the 25th Amendment. They had a piece of political kryptonite — the deposition audio that convinced Special Prosecutor Robert Hur that the Generic Vegetable is mentally unfit to be tried. But they buried that audio under sixteen layers of classification, and maybe only Biden can now unclassify it.

In any case, we are witnessing a special, once-in-a-lifetime kind of irony. Books will be written about this. For far too long —longer than I’ve been paying attention— the United States perfected an evil, grotesque strategy of slyly undermining foreign governments through what are euphemistically called “color revolutions,” which involve using media to inflame political differences until the country destroys itself, shattering into a million bloodstained pieces, and letting a deep-state tool take over.

Coincidentally, the CIA’s color revolution strategy was perfected in the 2014 Maiden Revolution in Ukraine.

Now, that same strategy is being deployed against the Democrat Party. I have no idea who is behind it, or whether it may be entirely accidental, the Democrats doing it to themselves, a sort of reflexive grasping at the nearest tool that could do the job. Both sides know well how the strategy works, and they think it’s terrific and useful for any project, like Ginsu knives filling up late-night TV commercial slots.

Color revolutions can even cut a tin can in half! (Who cares why, that’s beside the point. Stop asking stupid questions.)

The point is, a color revolution is now being waged against President Starfruit and thus, against the United States government. It is literally the same kind of revolution the neocons waged against the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2014.

You could cut the irony with a Ginsu knife.