heads Up..Dems are doing internal polls to see what would stick

As things are turning out there are 7 major “Swing ” States

Trump is way ahead in 4 of them ( Sun belt ) Az Nv Ga NC

He only needs 1 the rust belt states ……… Wis Mich Penn to cement the “V”

JD Vance helps a lot with these 3 …and Trump is ahead by 3 to 5 points in all at the moment

They need someone who could help carry all 3

Look at their Internal Polls which have been leaked ..whether they are true or not doesn’t matter for now …it’s what they say to the Dems that matters

Keep in Mind Josh Shapiro is Gov of Penn and faily popular there and gretchen Whitmer a popular ( yuck) Gov of Michigan

So the new Ticket is likely IMO to be Harris Shapiro or Harris Whitmer IMHO

IT all comes down to the 3 Rust belt States

Not sure how Wisconsin would factor in

Also a Jewish VP ?

I dunno about that ( ps…Not an antisemitic comment …just a reality comment)

PK…you are in Wisconsin…have you got a sense of whats the political situation there ?

Also we have members in Penn and Mich …what up in the Rust belt