We saw the bank runs that occurred in March 2023 with SVB and a few others. The FDIC and FED stemmed the tide temporarily, by coordinating a few bank takeovers and promising that no one would lose any money even if they were over the FDIC insurance limits.

While there is a good chance that there will be other banks that fail and need to be bailed out and or merged into larger banks, that isn’t the bank run referenced in the title.

I see the most important and likely, largest bank run in financial history, being the one that comes in the market for physical silver. With there being approx. 400 ounces of non existent paper silver for every actual physical ounce of silver, the bank run that will result will be of an enormous scale and probably occur in a very short timespan.

It most likely will be triggered by a large industrial user of silver being unable to obtain silver in the quantities it needs for it’s ongoing production needs. It will spread rapidly when other industrial users also are unable to procure enough metal to meet their production needs.

Then the financial world of ETF’s and investment accounts believing they have physical silver being held for them by various intermediaries, find out they can’t get their hands on the actual metal because it was rehypothicated numerous times and doesn’t exist.

The dominos will fall rapidly and all hell is likely to break loose. If the stories and pictures of what occurred during the 1930’s depression of bank runs and failures and people losing their savings because the banks didn’t have their money seemed scarry and horrible, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

The physical silver bank run is likely to crash the entire multiple quadrillion derivative, debt laden global financial system, in the blink of an eye.