In a recent article, Dr. Naomi Wolf observes how “a bizarre cheeriness about serious illness, disability and even death, is prevalent these days.”

This is a trend I’ve been observing myself. As Wolf put it: “this recitation of medical horrors, often needing continued medical attention, is presented with an expression almost of fulfillment; and in tones almost of satisfaction, even of pride.”

I think part of the issue is that the vacuum left by the removal of religion, philosophy and spiritual practices (as a way to deal with human mortality) has been replaced by worship of pills, scalpels and vaccines.

“…after years of brainwashing that deified the medical establishment,” Wolf continues, “these people feel closer to God, or to ultimate authority, by now being under the continual care of doctors.”

You can read her full article, “Thanatos, Death Gods and The Attack on President Trump: The Death Drive Comes to America” on her Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf substack page

John C A Manley ( Much Ado About Corona )