There is a concensus building that Crooks was a set up

Maybe They dragged a kid with no friends and no social media and not much of anything and set him up

They say he had explosives in his car and at home …PLANTED ?

Was there another sniper on a different roof ?


DC Draino’s take

They left the roof wide open
Secret Service snipers had eyes on the shooter
People were screaming about a man on the roof with a gun

But Secret Service waited
They waited for him to take the shots

Then they killed the shooter
It was a setup

And he wasnt supposed to miss

“IF that agent/cop in this photo was actually aiming at the shooter, at that short range for a scope, he would have clearly seen an unknown shooter with a rifle aimed at Trump. He would not have needed to call in for permission with the threat level being imminent. We need answers”