From David Blackman ( Energy Absurdities Substack )

On November 5, 2024, I would walk barefoot over miles of flaming broken glass to cast my vote for Donald Trump for president. Quoting the great Al Powell from the movie “Die Hard,” you couldn’t drag me away from completing that glorious task.

Last night confirmed that certainty.

Those of you who have followed me since Trump first announced his presidential run in 2015 will attest that I’ve been writing about this inevitable day since that time. The constant lying by the Democrats and their media propagandists since Day 1 of Trump’s first campaign was entirely designed to dehumanize Trump, who they saw and still see as a threat to their power base in Washington, DC.

The incessant comparisons to monsters of the past like Hitler or Mussolini – though never to Stalin or Mao, who killed far more people in the name of communism – have been literally designed to encourage an event like yesterday’s. The mounting of hoax after hoax after depraved public hoax, the 4-year-long slow-motion coup d’ etat they mounted before and during Trump’s first term, the unending lies that he is somehow a “threat to our democracy” who would rule as a dictator, the multiple impeachments, the lawfare, Soviet-style prosecutions, the years of outright lies about Jan. 6…

Everything the Democrats and their media henchmen have done for 9 long years related to Trump was designed to dehumanize him, smear him as a literal monster among us, and actively encourage one or more violent, brainwashed lunatics to do what was attempted Saturday in Butler County, PA.

Nancy Pelosi might as well have pulled the trigger herself. The same could be said of Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, AOC, Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, and virtually every other recognizable officeholder of the Democrat party. The same could also be said of the editorial boards and staff of the New York Times, the Washington Post, Politico, Axios and every talking head and paid contributor at CNN and MSNBC and CBS and ABC and NBC and NPR and PBS.

Every one of them is culpable. Every one of them is guilty of suborning the shot that came within millimeters of killing Donald J. Trump, the once and future President of the United States.

For the Democrats, so many of whom complained on their various social media accounts that they were only sad the assassin missed, the perverse reality is that his failure to hit Trump squarely in the head means they will lose this election in a very big way. There is no going back from this.

This was Trump’s Teddy Roosevelt moment. Roosevelt, during the 1912 campaign, was famously shot in the chest by an aspiring assassin as he delivered a speech. but the bullet was slowed by a notebook he carried in his suit coat and lodged just below the skin, a few millimeters from his heart.

Rather than be rushed away from the scene, Roosevelt stood back up and spent the next 50 minutes delivering the rest of his speech as his shirt turned red with blood. Roosevelt was leading a splinter movement that broke off from the Republican party called the Bull Moose party, and finished 2nd in a 3-way race to Woodrow Wilson, one of the most unfortunate election results in U.S. history.

The shots of Trump ordering his Secret Service detail to stop so he could pump his fist at the crowd and shout “fight!” are already iconic, and most likely ensure he will win this election given that no viable 3rd party candidate is in the race.

The sad thing now is that the FBI is in charge of the investigation now, and we all know we cannot trust a word that criminal enterprise says about anything. Hell, the upper echelons of the FBI were literally the organizers of the Crossfire Hurricane scheme to take down Trump during the 2016 election campaign. The only thing we can be certain of is that this “investigation” will be entirely fraudulent, and it will be years before we ever find out the real truth about this event.

I’ve written many times that I believe Trump’s win in 2016, with the wave of unexpected support he received from blue collar workers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, was at least in part a result of divine intervention. Can anyone doubt that Trump turning his head a fraction of a second before the bullet hit his right ear was also the same?

I can’t doubt that.

Think of the incredible parade of history we have all witnessed since that debate on June 27. Biden’s near-comatose performance that night; the ruling by the Supreme Court in the immunity case that destroys the Democrat lawfare effort to put Trump in prison; the Court’s reversal of the Chevron deference; the effort by the media and the real leaders of the Democrat party to force Biden off the ticket and out of the presidency; and now this.

That is a decade of major events of American history all crammed into 16 short days.

What an amazing time to be alive. The shocking thing is, things could become even more amazing from here. The power madness of the Democrat party and its media propagandists that led directly to last night’s tragic events now almost ensures that will be the case.

That is All