I am very worried. I have reviewed so many of these stories about Trump versus Biden and Left versus Right that I am begnning to see the trap being set by the strategists behind this social reconstruction agenda. Would you believe me if I told you history is about to repeat itself with Trump as the leader of the institutional change that looks like it may manifest as a modern day American apocolypse?

All the same old rotten themes are being trotted out to maximize social revusion and disgust among the population. The electorate is being persuaded in stages to vocally and viscerally hate a large group of its own population. The targets are the same as they always were. The old, the mentally ill, political enemies, media whores, the sick, immigrants, homeless, Jews, sexual deviants and gays. They could all face extermination as the New World Order finds it feet under the leadership of America’s coming savior, Donald Trump.

And in the political environment that is pending, the public will not likely stand up against whatever violation gets dished out because they have already shown they are overwhelmingly his supporters. I am worried because we have seen this formula play out many times before in other parts of the world. It is an old script. And now we have a little more insight into how the public mood can be shifted slowly from one of tolerance towards a simmering hatred and desire for revenge against their fellow man.

Biden is playing his part to perfection. He is suppposed to be a slobbering old man shitting his pants in public. He is useless and demented and a waste of space. Nobody would miss him. Not your feeble minded parents either for that matter. And not your vax damaged family members who drain your resources and time because of their disabilities. They all have to go and I do not think there will be many advocates for the elderly and sick when the next administration begins rolling out shots and limits on freedom reserved especially for the unlucky.

Trump will win by a landslide. The agenda has suddenly come into sharp focus. And we the people will be the new brownshirts deputized to carry out the program as it unfolds. Unless people wake up now and turn their back on their desire for revenge on the obvious oppressors who have offended them so egregiously these past three years, there may be an apocolypse in the offing and its one that cannot be stopped once it starts.