It’s WAR. Canada’s Colleges of Physicians have gone berserk on IVERMECTIN in June 2024.

Two Canadian doctors have just been suspended:

1. June 17, 2024 – Saskatchewan suspended Dr.Tshipita Kabongo for 1 month, with $44,780 penalty (the largest penalty ever issued for prescribing Ivermectin, in the world)

2. June 20, 2024 – Ontario suspended Dr.Jeremiah Hadwen for 8 months, with $8000 penalty and re-education training ordered, for prescribing Ivermectin.


I believe that SOON, Canadian doctors will be mandated to take Influenza H5N1 mRNA Vaccines, which will have severe side effects up to and including death.

Failure to comply will come with huge fines, re-education camps, or license suspensions.

They are being made examples of, so that the remaining 100,000 Canadian physicians keep their mouth shut and comply.