I listened to this podcast last week before the debate by Monica Crowley, I got drawn to it for the financial information since Stephanie is so good. I didn’t realize that Monica is such a good handicapper. She has been unleashed since she got the boot from FOX. While Alex Jones missed the point going into the debate Monica nailed it ahead of time. It was all intended to be an operation to deliver the final blow to Joe. She brings up the question of why has the media allowed you to see Joes failures over the past few months. Clearly it was to condition Dem voters and the nation to accept Biden’s removal.

If you watched the post debate CNN analysis this was so obviously a set-up. When has CNN ever criticized Biden? Never of course then every commentator just ripped into him? It was an operation and yes it worked. Plus Drudge immediately posted the remove Biden headline for it’s lead article. Drudge of course has become the chief source of what we are supposed to think since it was compromised a number of years back.

I mentioned this to my libertarian doctor yesterday and he didn’t seem to be able to see this. Amazing how even non-woke people even, can be herded.

One more thing I didn’t know until recently brought up by Martin Armstrong: The reason Hillary has a lock on the DNC. A few years back the DNC was broke and got bailed out and bought off using Clinton trust money. So she owns them. In light of this, I would think she will be the candidate.

Something else got me thinking. Knowing for a year now that Biden wouldn’t be the candidate (how could he) why has it been so long before the operation to remove him? Then it struck me. There is no way Hillary would have survived the primary process. So she had to bypass this to get to the nomination. No better way to do this than what we are witnessing now. For those who would say, yeah but Trump will beat her. Well, they just have to control the post election process to fix that. Hold on.

Start at the 22:00 point and listen for at lease 2 min.
