After watchin CNN after the Debate freaking out..the whole pannel calling for Biden to step down and now you get Obummer backing Biden ?
There has to be a huge split in the Dem Party.
Different Factions …a power struggle
Watch them
And if Stuttering J don’t make it, Beyonce be ready. He done speak to her man Jay-Z… I am so sick of this nonsense that Obama is anything other than a grifter. He controls nothing. He’s a dummy like Biden, brought forth to pretend there is democratic legitimacy to their control. They hate Trump because they don’t control him, and that is the only reason to support him. Can we stop playing their games?
Of course Obama is going to support him. Do you think if someone replaces Joe they are going to listen to anything Obama says? Especially if it is Hillary?
I agree with both of you
As Kuntsler laid out a week ago, Biden is run by the former Obama team … all those women he listed. And Obama has their ear.
If Biden goes, so does that team. And then Obama goes back to being a genuine grifter again.
And to Walter’s point … I mean Strider … yeah, they are all working for WEF and Soros and other shadows, but “they really believe” in that agenda.