Despite a comfortable electoral victory in October 2020, the government of Luis Arce was viewed as fragile in September 2021. It enjoyed broad support among the lower-paid sectors of the population, such as peasants and miners, but was contested by most of the urban middle class as well as by almost all of the upper classes. The opposition thus includes most of the country’s de facto powers: the economic elite, the churches, the universities, professional associations and the mainstream media.

He has been cozying up to Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia and has expressed a desire to bring Bolivia into China’s AstroTurfed BRICS group.

Bolivia sees BRICS as an organization that provides expansive opportunities to its member states to grow economically, President of the South American republic Luis Arce said.

“BRICS is a space where huge opportunities are opening up, in trade, access to financial resources and speeding up our economic and social development, taking us to new frontiers,” the Bolivian leader was quoted as saying by the Telesur TV channel. “It is extremely important to continue on the path toward a sovereign, anti-hegemonic and multipolar world,” he added.

The last coup in Bolivia took place in 1980.

Has anyone seen Victoria Nuland recently?