We know what fear does to the mind and decision making.
Each side of the aisle tells us that a win by the other side is the death of democracy. We are constantly on edge as divisions deepen.
Fear porn on all sides.

How did we ever give Governments power over almost every aspect of our lives? Safety and security of whatever the new law regulates.
Education, Health and Agriculture comes to mind.
These three have been captured and it appears that they want you dumber, sicker and eating crap. Wanting you dead has been added to this list you useless eaters! Even if they just gave us non-binding recommendations you know that some lobby group has their fingerprints all over it. We are regulated to death.

The unprecedented lawfare against Trump should indicate that the Deep State fears his second Presidency. Unless this is all theatre, which it could be. Unless Trump acts to abolish the Dept of Education, overhaul the CDC and the FDA and thins out the permanent bureaucracy, it will be the continuance of the Deep State. Same goes for Canada.

I have little faith in politicians unless real change for the better occurs.

Having opposing views on social issues is healthy in society and maintains a balance but anyone who is still clinging to the “safe and effective” shot narrative has serious mental issues. Luckily their numbers are very low but when one encounters an adherent it really makes one question their sanity. The Net-Zero narrative still has the media, NGOs and Government using our tax money against us and is a very powerful lobby group….for now. It is changing but disturbing to see the destruction of the Western economies.
My rant for the week.