Have you all bought your Copy of The Fauch’s new Autobiography ?

No ? WTF ?

Well you’re in luck

Our good Friend John Manley has and here is his Critique …just for his subscibers AND Goldtent

You’re welcome


On June 13, I released my revealing and satirical interview with the fictitious Anthony Fauci.

Five days later, on June 18, Fauci released his memoir, On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.

Coincidence? Yes, this time it’s a coincidence. I had no idea such a work of fiction was being unleashed on a rather gullible public.

Though, in all fairness, I do agree with much of the back cover blurb:

“The memoir by the doctor who became a beacon of hope for millions through the COVID pandemic…” True enough. Sadly, millions did take hope from this man’s deadly solutions to his fear-mongering lies.

“An eventful autobiography [and] a classic American story…” Yes, it was eventful. Cataclysmic almost. And, yes, such corruption has become a “classic American story.”

“One of the most consequential and most prominent [careers] in American medicine in the past fifty years.” Again, no argument. His career of prescribing Remdesivir, AZT and mRNA clot shots has been “most consequential” — killing millions of people.

“Anthony Fauci is arguably the most famous – and most revered – doctor in the world today.” It makes me ill to admit it, but he probably is. But he’s also probably the most infamous and hated.

But then the book’s synopsis goes off the deep end:

It describes Fauci as having guided America “sanely and calmly through COVID.” Sanely? Everything he recommended — from masks to social distancing — was about as sane as dumping water on an electrical fire. But, I do agree, he was remarkably calm about his murderous edicts — the true sign of a sociopath.

It goes on to praise his “crucial role in researching HIV and bringing AIDS into sympathetic public view and his leadership in navigating the Ebola, SARS, West Nile, and anthrax crises” claiming that this made him “truly an American hero.” More like an anti-hero.

“On Call will be an inspiration for readers who admire and are grateful to him and for those who want to emulate him in public service.” Sadly, there seem to be far too many such people who admire this fraudster — evident from the book topping #1 on Amazon.

Now, the last line of the memoir should have the book listed under dystopian science fiction: “He is the embodiment of ‘speaking truth to power,’ with dignity and results.”

Suddenly my interview with “Dr. Science Fiction Himself” doesn’t look so far-fetched, does it? And, despite its blatantly fictional elements, it probably contains far more truths than this memoir of a madman.

If you haven’t yet read it, here are the first two parts of my three-part serial:

Part One: https://blazingpinecone.com/blog/dr-sci-fi/

Part Two: https://blazingpinecone.com/blog/dr-sci-fi/gndn

Feel free to share part one with friends, family and your social media cohorts. Part two, however, is available only for email subscribers like you. So please keep the link to part two a secret.

John C.A. Manley
