How unpopular is Justin Trudeau?

Well, when asked to pick the best choice for Prime Minister, Canadians picked “none of them” above Trudeau.

And not just a little bit above.

Way above.

More than twice as much.

According to the Angus Reid poll, 33% say Pierre Poilievre is the best choice, while 14% pick Trudeau and Singh alike.

Meanwhile, 29% pick “none of them.”

Trudeau – and Singh – are both so unpopular that they can’t even get half the support of “none.”


Spencer Fernando


68% Want Trudeau To Resign

How can anyone in the government still think Trudeau has any legitimacy left?
With the government refusing to release the list of disloyal MPs/Senators, the Canadian government already has a legitimacy problem.

And now, we can add Trudeau’s massive unpopularity to the mix.

According to a new Ipsos poll, a full 68% of Canadians want Trudeau to resign as Liberal leader.

Just 32% think he should stay on as Liberal leader.

“Should Trudeau resign as leader of the Liberals in 2024?”

Yes: 68%
No: 32%

Ipsos / June 14, 2024 / n=1001 / Online

How can this government continue operating as normal when they aren’t revealing the list of traitors, and when a huge majority think the Prime Minister shouldn’t be in office anymore?

Spencer Fernando