“You’re strip-mining it – you strip-mining Boeing. “

“You’re focused on exactly what you were hired to do: cutting corners, eliminating safety procedures, sticking it to your employees, and cutting back jobs – all because you’re trying to squeeze every piece of profit out of this company.”

Hawley continued, “You’re strip-mining it – you strip-mining Boeing. It was one of the greatest American companies ever – it has employed thousands of people in my state. And you’re strip-mining it for profit and shareholder value – and you’re being rewarded for it. You got a huge raise.”

“It’s working great for you, but for the American people – they’re endangered. For your workers – they’re in peril. For your whistleblowers – they fear for their lives. And you’re getting compensated like never before.”



“NEW” Boeing whistleblower steps forward ahead of CEO’s testimony in Washington, senator says
