“It’s striking to see the market share of Russian gas and [liquefied natural gas] inch higher in Europe after all we have been through, and all the efforts made to decouple and de-risk energy supply,”

According to some of the more cynical elements out there, the entire Ukraine war as orchestrated by Victoria Nuland and various energy-tied elements in the deep state, was meant to do one thing: replace Russia with the US as the primary supplier of European gas (and the recent sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline, only seems to validate this particular “conspiracy theory.”)

And if indeed it is the case that the war was meant to replace one European energy supplier with another, then we have bad news: the war has been for nothing. According to the FT, Europe’s gas imports from Russia once again overtook supplies from the US for the first time in almost two years in May, despite the region’s efforts to wean itself off Russian fossil fuels since the full scale invasion of Ukraine.
