Silver has been in an uptrend line since March 2024.  Three cycles of just under two months each that have risen to a new high and pulled back to the last high.  Even the first cycle pulled back to the last high of late Dec 2023 before starting the next cycle.  Please check  for yourself.

We are at the support line and if this trend in cycle will continue, the next cycle will begin.  Nothing is guaranteed in life.

Historically  (20 year trend)  Gold goes sideways in a choppy manor in May and June.  Silver of course follows Gold but more dramatic either way.

I realize that paper contracts control the price and that real discovery has been elusive.

It has been said that in the late 1800’s in America the average unskilled labourer was paid  the equivalent in Silver of a dollar a day.  Inflation was stable at that time.    What does that worker make today and is it even comparable?  I don’t know.  There were no income taxes , payroll deductions or productivity comparisons back then to have an apples to apples comparison.