NOTE: this is the most recent published article I could find (March 2024), however, web discussions suggest this number may have now grown to as high as 59 new countries wanting to join in 2024…….

A handful of developing countries are preparing to join the BRICS alliance in 2024. Developing countries from Asia, the global south, Africa, and even Europe are considering securing a spot in BRICS this year. The upcoming BRICS summit will be held in October 2024 in the Kazan region of Russia. The 16th summit will see a new influx of applications from countries that are preparing to join BRICS this year.

India’s Foreign Affairs Minister S Jaishankar confirmed that more than 2 dozen countries want to join BRICS in 2024. The development indicates that developing countries trust the alliance and want to distance themselves from the US dollar. The spiraling debt of $34 trillion is a burden to developing countries that hold billions in US dollars as reserves. Therefore, developing nations are aiming to reduce the risk of debt by putting their local currencies first for trade.


34 Countries Look to Join BRICS Alliance After Saudi Arabia’s Entry (article dated Feb 2024)