‘Freedom fighter/advocate for the ‘little guy’ Dave Freedom contends in his documentary that veteran officer Helen Grus’ disciplinary hearing ‘is one of the most important cases in Canadian history, as it will define how police investigate crimes.’

Grus, a 20-year Ottawa Police Service veteran and mother of three, has been in an ongoing disciplinary hearing after being hit with misconduct charges for allegedly looking into the deaths of nine infants between June 2020 and January 2022.

Grus has stated that her investigations were legitimate police work, and according to her lawyer, Bath-Sheba van den Berg, she had a “a hunch, not a mere hunch,” about the links between the COVID jabs and infant deaths. Freedom stated in the video that “Helen faces the bogus charge of discreditable conduct for simply doing her job as an Ottawa police detective.”

Regarding Grus trial, video alleges ‘the fix is in’ — ED: read this part — it’s interesting what the ONTARIO CANADA police commission is doing to sway the result of this hearing to penalize Grus………
