Medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., analyzed the testimony of a Scottish paramedic who told the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry that paramedics received a letter stating they “would be given full support” to make decisions outside normal protocols about resuscitating patients over age 70.

Scottish health officials in March 2020 told paramedics they would be fully supported if they did not “try too hard” to resuscitate patients over the age of 70, according to a paramedic’s testimony before the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry. Medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., who analyzed the testimony on his YouTube show, said, “We’re talking about people not being resuscitated after a particular age, which of course is patent ageism.”

Robert Pollock, a clinical adviser paramedic who worked as a frontline paramedic during the COVID-19 pandemic, delivered the testimony and a written statement to the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry.