Outpatient average treatment costs = $3,200

Hospitalized as a complex non-CoVID-19 patient average charge = $111,000

Hospitalized and treated as a complex CoVID-19 patient (intubation/ICU) average charge = $450,000

Guess which “diagnosis” and “treatment” path hospitals attempt???

“The hospital’s administration, physicians, and nurses are being sued for wrongful death, medical battery, elder abuse, and other violations of patients’ rights.”

Other news sites are picking this story up.


Looks like there are now more than a few medical “professionals” having sleepless nights finally

Bout time ..hang the bastards


Patient (now deceased) was prescribed Ivermectin and HCQ. Hospital staff were instructed that under no circumstances was patient to be administered Remdesivir (Veklury) for treatment of his symptoms.
Staff said that they would comply with patient’s requests but that he could not be given the HCQ or Ivermectin because it was against hospital protocols.
Doctor ordered Remdesivir despite objections.
Patient was given Remdesivir and died of renal and respiratory failure a week later.
Remdesivir is a dangerous, experimental drug
It is medically unethical, and a violation of Nevada laws, to administer an unnecessary medical treatment.
It is medically unethical, and a violation of Nevada laws, to administer a medical treatment without informed consent.


Uh Oh…The Malpractice Lawyers smell blood !

Bombshell Accusation: Hospitals Specifically Targeted the Unvaxxed for Deadly Forced Remdesivir and Respirator Protocols
