Stoltenberg: “that is the absolute minimum for Ukraine to become a member.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has announced that Ukraine and its future assistance will be a major focus of discussion in a Defense Ministers meeting Thursday and Friday, which comes parallel to the G7 summit happening in Italy, where both Biden and Zelensky are meeting on its sidelines.

Stoltenberg is urging members of the alliance to use “strong language” when it comes to membership, but also introduced a key caveat that he has not clearly expressed before in prior addresses on the topic: Ukraine must prevail in the war with Russia if it hopes to be a full member.

He then stated that Ukraine must ‘win’ – and that NATO must do everything to help this happen – before the country can be fully integrated as a NATO member:

“Without that, of course, there is no membership issue to be discussed. We need to ensure that Ukraine prevails, that is the absolute minimum for Ukraine to become a member of the alliance.”

“The purpose of NATO, of course, is not to wage war, the purpose of NATO is to prevent war.”


Can’t say that I am entirely convinced that NATO understands that this is their purpose…..