…the economic hardships of millions of middle-class Americans are going unseen by their government.

It probably comes as no surprise to you that, these days, the middle class, the backbone of the nation, are struggling. “Gasping for air,” as Newsweek puts

  • 40% of ALL Americans are unable to plan beyond their next paycheck
  • 46% don’t have $500 saved for a rainy day
  • A quarter of those making $75,000 per year spend over 50% of their budget on housing
  • The majority of those making under $60,000 per year find their debt “difficult to manage”

In fact, according to a Pew Research study from May:

The middle class has fallen behind on two key counts.

The growth in income for the middle class since 1970 has not kept pace with the growth in income for the upper-income tier.

And the share of total U.S. household income held by the middle class has plunged.

So what’s going on?



From 1929-1939 North America witnessed breadlines, soup kitchens, men travelling the rails looking for work, town rejecting same as they had difficulty feeding their own, families evicted & living off the land — it was call the THE GREAT DEPRESSION. Today we have food banks, soup kitchens, mass unemployment, the poor ignored as most fight to feed their own, families evicted and living in tent cities & trailers, starvation of children in NA. How does today differ from the 1930’s?