This has been discussed before by others.

The famous example politically is  when those from the Centre-Left  no longer recognize the Democratic Party as holding their values, for example Elon Musk and others.

Cultural Marxism has infested the educational system and the Media to the extent that a percentage of society is starting to accept this as normal and cheer it on.  Politics  follows.

It may only be 25-30% who will go along with anything.  For the rest of us, there are various levels of reactions.   From  “they will lose the next election so I’m not worrying about it” to outright revolt and push back.

Fortunately, I live in a very active, sane community of mostly young singles, young families and a smattering of retirees.  Our rainbow walkway of a few years ago has faded to a few splotches of colour.  No rush to renew when the annual maintenance occurs.  The Resort does sponsor Pride events but that is part of their marketing.  I’m not sure if they are well attended or not.  If it is music, people show up regardless.

The schools here don’t appear to be infested yet,  from speaking to teens.

When I was young, I had zero interest in Politics or culture.  I just did my thing.  Life seemed to be full of promise and I had hope for the future.  Now, I hear the young males who are noticing that there appears to be no hope.  They find the dating scene to be but fraught with challenges especially woke young females. They have to lie about their opinions just to get a date.  That doesn’t work out at all. I never even thought about the politics of the other person. You wouldn’t have to in that era but I didn’t hang out with those in the Arts.

These young people are aware that their future could be one of governmental enforced scarcity  through increasing carbon taxes and restrictions. They appear well informed and much more than I was at their age but they are quietly counting on a change in Government come next election.  No revolt at the present time.

This is very encouraging to hear but we are a rural and a family based area and I may be totally off in my experience.  Another hopeful movement is the rising support of the those who came to Canada and the US from countries that had less than stellar conditions.  Overwhelmingly they are rejecting woke culture.   They are mostly in their 30’s.   The females are very vocal, I guess to protect their kids.  Some of the females could do  amazing Trump commercials.  Most of what they say would not be allowed in a Trudeau or Biden world.  It’s racist! Hahahaha…..but it is the truth.    The overwhelming message from them is “it’s over if Trump doesn’t get elected”.  A few told me they would consider moving back to their  birth country but it would not be fair to their children who were born here.

When asked where they are from, they say America.    They are not hyphenated, they are AMERICAN!  Wow.  I must say if they can afford a weeklong ski holiday with two kids they’ve had some measure of success in their new country.

So there is hope to stay and turn this around.  I tell them to speak up, we need your voices.

PS:  My retired teacher  neighbour with the 9 shots, who is having heart problems, has finally just rejected the Left.  Hope he survives to vote.  His wife has other health conditions that have cropped up.   It’s a slow process but we are gaining but not as vocal as the other side.

My rant for the day.  I feel better after that.