Dr. Wendy Norman, a professor at the University of British Columbia and head of Canada’s Contraception & Abortion Research Team, admitted that Trudeau’s free contraception program will keep women in the workforce and cost the government less than if women had babies.

“It turns out that free contraception is PM Trudeau’s plan to pull women away from being the heart of the home and turn them into a cog in the economic wheel,”

“Free contraception is about converting women into workers,” he warned. “And, in true Orwellian style, the government is calling this ‘reproductive choice,’ ‘freedom for when to begin a family,’ and ‘autonomy.’”

“The fact is that women who have children and stay at home to raise them are doing more for the good of society than anyone else,” Baklinski declared. “Mothers who raise children in the safety and protection of hearth and home are the real heroes of today.”



Whether it be injections at nursing homes or women working vs raising children, it seems to always be about the money……..