Jorge Alcocer Varela dismisses WHO announcement that 59-year-old man’s death was due to A(H5N2) strain

During a morning briefing, Alcocer rebuffed the WHO’s announcement and assured that the 59-year-old man, who was reported to have died from the A(H5N2) strain of avian influenza, “died from other causes, mainly kidney and respiratory failure.”

Alcocer urged people to remain calm and to take the WHO’s announcement with caution because it is “not accurate.”

“I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad, since it speaks of a fatal case (of bird flu), which was not the case,” he said. “So far, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission,”


Reminder from 2010: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” —George Santayana –>joint investigation in 2010 found that significant conflicts of interest btwn WHO & #BigPharma led to H1N1 fear-mongering—govts panicked & wasted $7B on H1N1 vaccine contracts that then went unused in warehouses around the world –> Report condemns swine flu experts’ ties to big pharma –> Trio of scientists who urged stockpiling had previously been paid, says report:

Reminder from 2009 –> “Why the WHO Faked a Pandemic” –> Forbes: