Chris Coumo and Dave Smith debate on PBD
After watching the entire thing, my main takeaway is that Coumo is still consumed by what sells and does not seek the truth to be understood at the individual level – this condecending attitude is pervasive in the mainstream circles he (and his masters) run in. Dave on the other hand, is his own man and that’s what people want to see.
Chris Cuomo is to journalism what Stormy Daniels is to a discrete paramour! Both of them will fuck you, and both will be unsatisfied with their renumeration.
ha ha ! He is a Douche for sure
They need to have someone like Tucker moderate a debate between say Russel Brand and (anyone who wishes to represent the MSM). There were so many missed opportunities in this covid discussion (first 2 hours) to drop truth bombs and dismantle Cuomo’s arguments. Anyone here at the Tent could have done a better job pointed out that there WAS an indisputable link between Wuhan and Fauchi at the outset of the discussion, not to mention the fear perpetuating purpose/effect of all the post-C19 variants upon which Cuomo based much of his ‘rational’ and lack of remorse/fault. I guess at least there’s at least discussion happening in the fist place.